Sessions and Workshops
Explore the Sessions and Workshops
ES01.01: Tan Li Feng_Ageing, Sarcopenia and Frailty
ES01.03: Louis Island_Healthy Longevity Clinics and Prevention of Ageing
ES01.04: Shawn Soh_Exercise for Muscle Health and Falls Prevention
ES02.01: Chloe Chung_Keeping PwP in the community Active
ES02.04: Evelyn Khoo_Role of Patient Organisations in Neurological Conditions – Aphasia SG
ES04.02: Tham Kum Ying_Innovative Teaching Strategies for Allied Health Education
ES05.03: Anne Neo_The Art in Medicine Bringing Healing Beyond a Pill
ES06.02: Shirlyn Sam_Integrated Care in Diabetes Management
ES08.01: Nigel Tan_Clinical Educator Development Framework
ES08.02: Tai Yuen Ling Esther_Journey of an Allied Health Educator
ES09.02: Nan Liu_How Gen AI Can Help Allied Healthcare Professionals in Their Work
ES09.04: Eugene Tan & Vincent Yeow_Conference Presentation Slide
ES10.02: Yeo Tee Joo_Healthy Heart Exercise and Physical Activity Recommendations
ES13.01: Camilla Wong_Allied Health Leadership – Navigating Strategies for Success
ES13.03: Carrie Biddle_The Art of Transformational Leadership – Motivating Change
ES13.04: David Altman_Empowering Allied Health Leadership – Building a Vision for a Strategic Future
ES16.01: Jason Yap_An Introduction to Healthier SG
ES18.03: Gayathri Satheesh Panicker_A Patient’s Wisdom on Behaviour Change
OC02.01: Mary Lovegrove_Maintaining Tempo How do we stay the course as an Allied Health Professional